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作者:招生处来源:中学之家时间:2024-09-03 12:00


贵阳卫校">贵阳卫校是我校护理学院的介绍;Guiyang medical school is my school school of Nursing Introduction护理学院是一所独立的以培育高素质应用型医学相关专业人才为主的卫生类高级职业学院。在市委、市政府的正确领导下,贵阳护理职业学院取得长足进步,高职在校生达5004人;中职学生50招生人。多年来接收高考学生均为榜首自愿录满,毕业生作业率一向高达95%以上,部分毕业生效劳于周边省区、甚至港澳及美国、新加坡、英国、沙特等国家,在全国有必定的知名度。The College of nursing is an independent Career Academy with high quality and high quality applied medical professionals. Under the correct leadership of the municipal government, Guiyang Nursing Vocational College has made great progress, up to 5004 people in higher vocational school; vocational students 50招生 people. Over the years, students enrolled in the college entrance examination were all the first volunteers. The employment rate of graduates has been up to 95%. Some of the graduates serve in neighboring provinces, Hong Kong and Macao, and the United States, Singapore, Britain, Saudi Arabia and other countries.一、学院首要成果First, the main achievements of the College(一)开设专业:现在学院高职设有:护理、涉外护理(英语方向)、护理(恢复护理)方向、护理(社区方向)、助产、助产(方案生育方向)、医疗美容技术、药学、药物剖析技术、中药学、医学查验技术、医学查验技术(输血方向)、公共卫生办理、医学养分、卫生查验检疫技术、医药营销、医学影像技术17个专业。中职设有护理、药剂、乡村医学、医学查验技术4个专业。(a) Majors: at present, College of nursing, nursing with: (English), nursing (Nursing), nursing (community) direction, midwifery, Midwifery (family planning direction), medical cosmetic technology, pharmacy, pharmaceutical analysis technology, pharmacy, medical laboratory technology, medical laboratory technology (blood transfusion direction), public health management, medical nutrition, health inspection and quarantine technology, medical imaging technology, pharmaceutical marketing professional 17. The secondary vocational school has 4 specialties, including nursing, pharmacy, rural medicine and medical inspection technology.(二)毕业生人数:已先后为国家培育了叁万多名实用型医药卫生技术人才,为祖国医药卫生教育事业做出了杰出的奉献。(two) the number of graduates: more than 30000 practical medical and health technology talents have been trained for the country, which has made outstanding contributions to the medical and health education in China.二、取得荣誉:贵阳市卫生校园于1981年、1994年、2000年、2004年接连四次被评为国家级要点中等职业校园。2005年被评为“全国职业教育先进单位”,受到了教育部等七部委的赞誉。并先后取得全国“五四红旗团委”创立单位、“全国大中专校园社会实践先进单位”、“全国职业技术教育系统体育作业先进校园”等称谓。2011年,贵阳护理职业学院高质量经过贵州省高职院校人才培育作业评价。2012年,又以优异的成果经过贵州省大学生思想政治教育作业评价。2013顺畅取得省级示范性高职院校的称谓。Two, to obtain honor: Guiyang health school in 1981, 1994, 2000, 2004, four consecutive as the national key secondary vocational schools. In 2005, it was named "the advanced unit of national vocational education", which was commended by the Ministry of education and other seven ministries and commissions. And has won the national "54 red flag Youth League Committee" to create units, "national advanced secondary school social practice advanced unit", "National Vocational and technical education system sports advanced school" and other titles. In 2011, the high quality of Guiyang Nursing Vocational College was evaluated through the training of talents in Higher Vocational Colleges in Guizhou province. In 2012, it also evaluated the ideological and political education of college students in Guizhou province with excellent results. 2013 successfully obtained the title of provincial Demonstration Higher Vocational Colleges.五、为贵阳市职业教育做出的奉献Five. Contribution to vocational education in Guiyang(一)近三年超额完成贵阳市教育局下达给我院的中职招生方案数,为贵阳市中职教育做出杰出奉献;(1) over the past three years, the number of secondary vocational enrollment plans has been completed by the Guiyang Municipal Education Bureau, which has made outstanding contributions to the secondary vocational education in Guiyang.(二)承办2010-2013贵阳市职业教育技术大赛(药物制剂分赛),接连四年统揽集体和个人项目一等奖。(two) to host the 2010-2013 Guiyang city occupation education skills contest (pharmaceutical branch), for four consecutive years, the overall inpidual and team won the first prize.(三)承办贵阳市教育局主办的2012-2013年毕业生“双选会”。促进了贵阳市中高职毕业生作业作业的展开。(three) to host the Guiyang City Board of education 2012-2013 graduates shuangxuan". It has promoted the employment of the middle and high vocational graduates in Guiyang.(四)展开36个工种等级的职业技术短期培训、职业资格等级判定。学生护理执业资格考试合格率高达94.71%。贵州省卫生厅等多家单位清晰我院为培训基地。(four) to carry out the short-term training of vocational skills and professional qualification rating of 36 types of work. The qualified rate of student nurse qualification examination was up to 94.71%. Guizhou Provincial Department of health and other units clear our hospital as the training base.(五)积极展开社区效劳。校园现有门诊和桂月社区医疗效劳站。为周边四万余名居民供给医疗效劳。(five) to actively carry out community service. There are existing outpatients in the school and the community medical service station in Guangxi. To provide medical services for the surrounding residents of 40000.六、为贵阳市其它作业做出的杰出奉献Six, the outstanding contribution made to other work in Guiyang(一)协办全国第九届民运会。荣获贵州省委省政府“先进集体”、贵阳市委市政府“杰出奉献奖”、贵州省教育厅“三项活动先进集体”。(a) - Ninth National games. It won the "advanced collective" of the provincial government of Guizhou provincial Party committee, the "outstanding contribution award" of the municipal government of Guiyang Municipal Committee and the "three activities advanced collectives" of the Education Department of Guizhou province.(二)为2012年贵州省“酒博会”供给演职人员排练场所、生活效劳,得到上级部门的好评。(two) for the 2012 Guizhou province "Wine Fair" to provide training staff rehearsal site, life service, to get the high level of high praise.贵阳护理校园Guiyang nursing school

